The theme scripture


"Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”


Reformed Christian Social Enterprise Network (RECSEN) is a social enterprise established to champion sustainable livelihood and economic Development among Christian families, Churches and communities to drive community transformation with the goal of extending God's Kingdom through Agribusiness. RECSEN´s model focuses on revenue maximization and food security establishment production and processing methodologies which combats exploitation of farmers & the community by the middle men.

With our model, we are enthusiastic about the sustainability challenge faced by most enterprises and so RECSEN looks at all the necessary and critical components of the eco-system with consideration to:

  • 1,117 farmers have been trained in the communities of Kwania, Kole, Alebtong, Lira District and Lira City in Northern Uganda.
  • We have trained in refugee settlements of Kiryandongo, Adjumani and Kamwenge Districts
  • We have engaged 22 churches through our trainings


Products & Services

  • Conservational, Regenerative, Climate Adoptive & Discipleship Agriculture
  • Pfumvudza model for food security & market supply
  • Irrigation & full cycle productivity
  • Storage, Value Addition, Marketing and Reinvestments

You are welcome to partner with us

Our Values

Kingdom Investments

  • This means that every activity we undertake must translates into direct positive impact on the Local Church and the broader community.
  • Every penny made, received or saved is proactively and wisely engaged within our investment priority.

Always Learning & Experimenting

  • We take initiatives to challenge the status quo by faith, we seek new knowledge and opportunities, we are biblically innovative and creative.
  • We seek to understand the people we serve and tailor make service and opportunities profitably.

High Margins & Profitability

  • Doing things on time
  • Doing things at Standard
  • Doing things without wastage
  • Doing things with joy


  • We seek to engage transparently with everyone we associate; either by reason of our service to them or their service towards us.
  • We welcome even the most difficult questions and concerns genuinely addressed for kingdom interest.

meet the team

Board of Directors

Together, the diverse expertise and leadership of our Board of Directors enable RECSEN to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and continue to be a leading player in the agricultural industry.





The hope we offer to the soil, the change we bring to the crops